Monday, July 12, 2010

Arlington National Cemetery in the news

Please accept my humble apology. I have fallen so far behind in my blog! It was my intent to post at least weekly, if not more often. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by all that is involved in this project! I knew that taking photos of over 300,000 headstones was going to be a daunting task in itself. The time involved in uploading and renaming those photos, and then adding them into a data base is unbelievable! I am also in the middle of trying to come up with the "perfect" mission statement for our organization's incorporation paperwork. We haven't even gone live with our website and we've already out grown our hosting package! Trust me...this endevor is not for the faint hearted! I love what we're doing, though, and I have no intention of giving up. I think that this is a great project. Thank you for your patience.

That being said, I now move on to Arlington National Cemetery in the news.

I would like to encourage all of you to go to the above link and read the articles about the atrocities that have occurred at Arlington National Cemetery! When I started thinking about this project I had no idea that these investigations were going on. I am shocked and disgusted! I treat my deceased pets with much more dignity and respect than these men have treated our fallen servicemen and women.

The more I read, the stonger my desire to complete this project grows.