Thursday, June 24, 2010

So, would you like to know a little more about my idea?

I realize that my last blog left some question as to what my idea involves. Please allow me to try to more clearly put it into words for you the idea that has become The Arlington Photo Project. In January of 2010 I attended my father-in-law’s funeral in KY. It was then that I found out that his brother is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. No one in the family has seen his grave site. Living only 12 miles from ANC, I offered to go and take a picture for them. That is how this project was conceived.

I began to wonder how many other families out there had never seen the final resting place of their loved one here in Arlington National Cemetery. I am sure that there are many family members and friends who are unable to attend the actual service due to time constraints, travel or perhaps financial reasons. Even if the service is attended, the headstones are not placed until much later. I want to offer my time and service to these families.

The idea behind our website is relatively simple. I am making my way, one section at a time, thru ANC photographing every single headstone. These photos will then be uploaded to our website, allowing everyone to visit their loved one. This is Phase 1 of the project.

What do I ask in return for my services? We are currently working towards acquiring 501(C) nonprofit status. Once this is achieved, I will ask for tax deductible donations from all who believe that this is a worthy cause.

1 comment:

  1. I have an uncle in Arlington. If I give you a name can you find his headstone and take a photo for me?
